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City of Arapahoe

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Communities need a number of volunteers to help keep things running in a small community. Arapahoe appreciates any volunteers who are willing to put in that extra effort. Check out our opportunities to be involved!

Arapahoe Food Pantry

The Food Pantry organizes the collection of food donations and distributes it to anyone who is in need and asks for it. Open Tuesdays and Fridays 2:00-4:00 p.m.

(308) 962-7296

Arapahoe Fire and Rescue

Arapahoe Fire & Rescue quickly responds to emergencies across Furnas/Gosper & Frontier counties. To get an application, contact a member.

(308) 962-7605

Arapahoe Public Library

The library has provided research tools and ignited imaginations since 1919. Volunteer opportunities may vary from reading stories aloud to organizing shelves and more.

(308) 962-7806

Arapahoe Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber works to strengthen the community by promoting business growth as well as implementing constructive projects.


Crystal Theater

Community volunteers come together to provide the community with a cinematic escape. Volunteers typically work concessions and/or help run the projector.

(308) 962-5341 


Furnas/Gosper County Historical Society

The Historical Society hopes to ensure that the Arapahoe area history is well preserved and enjoyed by future generations. Volunteers can help clean, organize, and give tours.

(308) 962-7684


TeamMates is a volunteer organization focused on mentoring youth! For more information contact Kylea tenBensel.
